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Hotline: 0913769279

Ms. Thanh

(+84) 913 769 279

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Đang online : 1

Tuần : 652

Tháng : 417

Lượt truy cập : 209405

Giới thiệu


Thanh eyelashes is a manufacture company in producing all kinds of eyelashes according to your needs and the sample available of the company.


Thanh Eyelashes  imported directly 
materials and the professional skills in our workers, we create a beautiful eyelashes, 
best quality between domestic market and overseas market.

Our eyelashes products have been rated by foreign partners as one of the best-selling nail fashion products in recent years. 
At Thanh Eyelashes,  we are looking forward to bring the best productsby the new style and the good price for our customers.

Welcome to Thanh Eyelashes and feel free to call us!
Find us on Alibaba and Instagram: eyelashesthanhvn